
Giuliani Says Coming Report May Bring Prosecution Against Comey

- Juni 11, 2018


On Sunday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed former FBI Director James Comey could be prosecuted due a soon-to-be-released Department of Justice report.

Giuliani dropped the bomb on radio host John Catsimatidis:

“I think the report of [the inspector general] and the Justice Department will confirm that Comey acted improperly with with regard to the Hillary Clinton investigation.

“The first thing we are going to get is a report from Inspector General Horowitz on Comey’s handling of Hillary, which I think is going to be very, very critical of Comey, as it should be. Comey, really, has a chance of being prosecuted as a result of, but we’ll see.”

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz sent a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., Thursday announcing the June 14th release of a report on the FBI’s 2016 Hillary Clinton email investigation.

It’s believed the IG review will be extremely critical of Comey’s — as well as former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s — handling of the Clinton probe.

The written appraisal, which began in January of 2017, is the result of a bipartisan congressional request fueled by accusations that Comey’s publicly-released information on the email investigation was in violation of FBI policy.

Trump has taken multiple opportunities to make clear his lack of fondness for Comey, including a tweet Tuesday:

The email investigation reopening just before the election was, to some, hilarious. It took a fair amount of wind out of Hillary’s sail. Being a Democrat and a Clinton, she was a veritable stranger to opposition. Still, the opening and immediate closing of the probe was suspect. If the report shows substantial wrongdoing, pursuing justice isn’t a bad idea.

Do you agree? Is Hillary old news that the GOP should let fade out? She seems determined to stay in the public eye in every way possible, so that may be a long, loooooong fade.

Check out my article on Trey Gowdy making mincemeat of James Comey.

And speaking of Clinton, here’s my story on Bill explaining why he couldn’t get elected today.

Follow Alex Parker on Twitter.




The post Giuliani Says Coming Report May Bring Prosecution Against Comey appeared first on RedState.


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