
Trudeau Gives Trump Photo of His Grandfather’s Canadian Hotel — Or Was it a Brothel?

- Juni 10, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau tried to punk the President – which is never a good idea.  Instead the Trump destroyed the PM calling him weak and dishonest.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looked like he was holding back laughter Friday at the G7 summit when he presented President Trump with a framed photo of a hotel that President Trump’s grandfather once owned in British Columbia.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a picture of the event –

“Great moment between @JustinTrudeau and @POTUS when he gave him picture of the President’s grandfather’s hotel in Canada. #G72018″, the tweet said.

However, the left wing radical media immediately went into overdrive repeating a story that the President’s grandfather actually ran a brothel.  This story comes from a hit piece in Bloomberg that the President has said is totally false.

The effeminate Trudeau thought he was getting away with a good one.  Unfortunately for him, he was dealing with the greatest and strongest alpha male to hold the White House in a very long time.

Upon leaving the summit the President tweeted his disapproval of the weak and dishonest Trudeau for all the world to see –

The President preceded the above tweet with a tweet about the PM’s statements being false at his news conference –

The meek, mild, and weak Trudeau should know not to mess with President Trump.  The President has the strongest economy in US history and is on his way to save Asia.  Trump is clearly something Justin will never be.

The post Trudeau Gives Trump Photo of His Grandfather’s Canadian Hotel — Or Was it a Brothel? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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