
Rosenstein Was Informed of Cohen Plea Deal Two Days BEFORE Acting AG Whitaker

- Desember 01, 2018

It appears Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is still in charge of Mueller’s witch hunt despite Acting AG Whitaker assuming oversight of the investigation after Sessions resigned earlier this month.

According to Fox News, DAG Rosenstein’s office was notified with an “Urgent Report” of Michael Cohen’s plea deal at least two days before Acting Attorney General Whitaker received the same information.

Fox News reported:

A source familiar with the timeline told Fox News that Whitaker was only informed of the impending plea deal between Mueller and Cohen on Wednesday afternoon.

A source close to President Trump confirmed they were informed Wednesday evening.

Rosenstein’s office, though, received what’s known as an “Urgent Report” on the Cohen matter by Monday at the latest, Fox News is told.

According to Justice Department regulations, Mueller’s office would be required to submit such a report to both the attorney general and deputy attorney general if it’s taking any action that would garner significant media attention or attention on Capitol Hill.

The DOJ regulations specify that those reports need to be filed “at least three days in advance of anticipated developments or events to provide department leadership with appropriate notice,” or 24 hours in advance when dealing with “unanticipated events and emergencies.”

The plea deal with Cohen was considered to fall into that three-day category, and the special counsel’s office says the regulation was followed.

Trump’s legal team, specifically attorney Jane Raskin, was notified of Cohen’s plea deal late Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, all hell broke loose when Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the timeline of his role in building a Trump Tower in Moscow – plans for the project were already public knowledge and the tower that was never even built.

Sources tell Fox News that even though Whitaker has taken over Mueller’s investigation, DAG Rosenstein is still overseeing the day-to-day operations.

Why the hell is Rod Rosenstein still in the Justice Department? Trump will NEVER be able to drain the swamp until Rosenstein is removed from the DOJ and prosecuted.

The post Rosenstein Was Informed of Cohen Plea Deal Two Days BEFORE Acting AG Whitaker appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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