
Democrat-Led House Intel Panel Launches Investigation Into Claims Trump’s Lawyer Edited Michael Cohen’s Testimony

- Mei 15, 2019

Adam Schiff

The Democrat-led House Intelligence Panel chaired by Adam Schiff (D-CA) launched an investigation into claims that convicted liar Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who previously stated Trump’s legal team edited his statement to Congress about the proposed Trump Tower in Moscow – that was never even built.

This has already been proven to be a lie, but when has Adam Schiff and the Democrats ever cared about the truth?

Here’s the backstory:

CNN reported in March that Michael Cohen provided the House Intelligence Committee with documents showing edits to his false written statement that he delivered to the Senate Intel Panel in 2017 about the Trump Organization’s efforts to potentially build a Trump Tower in Moscow — the documents would back up claims Michael Cohen made to the House Oversight Committee last week that Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow made the changes to his written testimony.

Sekulow immediately came out and said the “testimony by Michael Cohen that attorneys for the President edited or changed his statement to Congress to alter the duration of the Trump Tower Moscow negotiations is completely false.”

CNN cited “multiple sources familiar with the matter,” when they claimed the documents Michael Cohen provided to the House Intel Panel showed President Trump’s lawyers made edits to Cohen’s 2017 written statement — in other words, CNN’s fake news report floated the idea that President Trump’s lawyers suborned perjury from Michael Cohen.

CNN’s story fell apart within hours and they made a major update to their original article which of course completely changed the entire story.

CNN’s update actually states that Cohen and his own lawyers made edits to his written statement, not President Trump’s lawyers:

Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, told CNN that Cohen himself authored the false line in his 2017 testimony to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project timeline.

Cohen wrote the initial draft of the testimony himself and then his attorney Stephen Ryan edited it, sharing it with other attorneys who were part of the joint defense agreement, to review for accuracy and potential privilege issues and those attorneys provided some suggested changes, a source familiar with the drafting of Cohen’s testimony said. Cohen and his attorney approved all changes, according to the source.

Adam Schiff, in a statement released Tuesday, said his committee would be “negligent not to pursue” Cohen’s claims, reported ABC News.

“The materials we are requesting in these letters go to the heart of that investigation and to Congress’s ability to conduct meaningful oversight,” Schiff said.

Cohen is currently serving a 36 month prison sentence for lying to Congress and tax evasion related to his taxi medallion business.

This claim by Cohen has already been debunked, but Adam Schiff is launching an investigation anyway because that’s all the House Democrats do — the Democrats no longer make law, all they do is subpoena, investigate and harass Trump, his family and associates.

The post Democrat-Led House Intel Panel Launches Investigation Into Claims Trump’s Lawyer Edited Michael Cohen’s Testimony appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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