
WATCH: Ted Cruz Blasts Rashida Tlaib’s Holocaust Revisionism, Dem History of Anti-Semitism

- Mei 15, 2019
Sen. Ted Cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Screen grab via Fox News.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on a segment of Sean Hannity’s show last night and blasted Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI-13) most recent anti-Semitical remarks as part of an overall pattern of disturbing behavior and “tolerance” within the Democratic party.

While there, Cruz took the opportunity to criticize the other two of what he refers to as the “freshman trio” of Tlaib, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-5) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) for their anti-Semitical/anti-Israel statements – or defenses of such – as well.

Fox News reports:

“Well, it’s unfortunately a growing problem. The Democratic Party as a whole is galloping to the left. And one of the components of that is the extreme left has a long history of anti-Semitism of anti-Israel hatred. We’re seeing it with this freshman trio, these three freshman house members who keep expressing anti-semitic, anti-Israel comments,” Cruz said on “Hannity.”

“Whether it’s congresswoman Tlaib’s comments about the Holocaust, which are just… they’re horrifying, or whether it’s Congresswoman Omar’s tweet attacking Israel, saying ‘it’s all about the Benjamins.’ It’s repeating anti-Semitic attacks,” he added.


Cruz criticized the Democratic Party and leadership for not distancing themselves from the three.

“It would be one thing if it’s a couple of fringe radicals in their party, but what we’ve seen at least in the House of Representatives the Democratic Party as a whole, the leadership as a whole, is unwilling to distance themselves from these radicals, from these extreme and really harmful sentiments,” Cruz said.

Watch video of Cruz’s comments below:

In addition to his appearance on Sean Hannity’s show, Cruz posted several tweets on the issue this morning, including one where he addressed House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (MD-5) defense of Tlaib:

As of this writing, Hoyer has not responded to Cruz’s question.

—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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