
ABC’s Moran: Trump’s North Korea Warning ‘Borders on the Threat of Committing a War Crime’

- September 19, 2017

Tuesday on ABC, while reacting to President Donald Trump saying at the United Nations that the U.S. may “have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” ABC chief foreign correspondent Terry Moran said that the remarks bordered “on the threat of committing a war crime.” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos said, “Terry, if you read the president’s words, he said the conditions for totally destroying North Korea would be if forced to defend ourselves and our allies. You can read that possibly to even open up a justification for preventative war against North Korea.” Moran replied, “That is a potential justification, but the words ‘totally destroying’ a nation of 25 million people, that borders on the threat of committing a war crime.” (h/t WFB) Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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