
DESTROY THE EVIDENCE! It Wasn’t Just Strange Who Lost Last Night in Alabama

- September 27, 2017

Well, Luther Strange lost in his bid for the GOP nomination to compete for Jeff Sessions’ vacated Senate seat.

Do you know who else lost?

President Trump.

Trump had thrown his full support behind Strange, rallying for him and praising him on social media. When his former brain chief strategist, Steve Bannon went the opposite way and supported Judge Roy Moore, throwing the pages of Breitbart behind his choice, it came down to a contest of influence.

Now we see who has the power, at least in Alabama.

That’s got to be a stinger for Trump. He markets himself as a “winner,” even with the string of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.

He had positive words for Roy Moore on Twitter this morning, but how can we tell he’s feeling like a loser today?

He started deleting his pro-Strange tweets.

Trump had tweeted about Strange several times in the days leading up to the primary, including the day of, but those tweets had disappeared as of Tuesday night.

The deleted tweets included those he sent the night before the election and the day of the race. A project from ProPublica documents the deleted tweets.

“Big election tomorrow in the Great State of Alabama. Vote for Senator Luther Strange, tough on crime & border — will never let you down!” read one of the deleted tweets.

Another of the deleted tweets was the typical, “I am Trump the almighty! By my word, kings and rulers are raised up to glory!”

Well, not exactly that. I’m paraphrasing.

What it actually said was, “Luther Strange has been shooting up in the Alabama polls since my endorsement. Finish the job – vote today for ‘Big Luther.’ “

Maybe the people in Alabama missed your tweets?

Trump had held a rally to allegedly support Strange in Huntsville, Alabama last week. I say “allegedly” because a friend in Alabama who was getting the robocalls ahead of the rally said there was no mention of Strange.

Vice President Pence was in Alabama on Monday to drum up support, as well.

All that, plus the millions poured into the state for Strange, compared to one rally in a barn, hosted by Steve Bannon, and Trump’s team came up lacking.

Shades of things to come.

The post DESTROY THE EVIDENCE! It Wasn’t Just Strange Who Lost Last Night in Alabama appeared first on RedState.


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