Monday night on the House floor, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) knelt down in protest to President Donald Trump’s comments about NFL players kneeling or the national anthem. Jackson Lee said, “There is no basis in the First Amendment that says you cannot kneel on the national anthem or in front of the flag.” After kneeling, Jackson Lee continued, “The dishonoring of their mothers by calling for the firing of the son of a B —You tell which of those children’s mothers is a son of a B? That is racism. You cannot deny it; you cannot run from it. And I kneel in honor of them. I kneel in front of the flag and on this floor, I kneel in honor of the First Amendment, I kneel because the flag is a symbol for freedom, I kneel because I am going to stand against racism, I kneel because I will stand with those young men and I’ll stand with our soldiers, and I’ll stand with America because I kneel.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN