
Assange Blasts Sadiq Khan: London Elected ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ Mayor Sympathetic to ‘Radical Islamic Terrorists’

- Oktober 18, 2017

WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange is one of Twitter’s most interesting follows. The self-described ‘political prisoner,’ has enjoyed asylum in Ecuador’s embassy in London, England for nearly 7 years. 

Assange opines on a wide variety of topics on Twitter; U.S. presidential politics, cyber-security, and most recently, Catalonian independence. Touching on a topic he rarely comments on, Assange ‘tweet quoted’ Infowars Editor-at-Large Paul Joseph Watson’s tweet stating “Fact: London elected a  mayor who is sympathetic to radical Islamic terrorists in @SadiqKhan.

Watson’s tweet was referring to an eye-opening interview rocker Noel Gallagher conducted with Rolling Stone, where former Oasis member slammed the UK’s “hippy” attitude towards Islam that “allows terrorists to roam free.”

Watson writes on Gallagher:

Gallagher was responding to the Manchester Arena bombing back in May that killed 23 people, including attacker Salman Abedi, and injured a further 250 during an Ariana Grande concert.

“Our government – seemingly – are powerless to f**ing stop this sh*t,” said the musician, adding, “I have children and they’re growing up in London and they take the tube and I take the tube….and there’s like bombers roaming free around the f**king city.”

“Our government and the government before them and the next f**king government after this one will be powerless to stop it because of some hippy ideal about people’s religious beliefs – f**k those c*nts is what I say,” asserted Gallagher.

Gallagher’s comments are particularly noteworthy because his song, Don’t Look Back in Anger, was widely invoked during tributes to the victims of the Manchester attack.

Gallagher said he thought the song was already “a huge anthem before that f**king Islamic f**king goon put that bomb in the Arena,” and added he wished the whole thing had never happened and that the song just meant what it had before the attack.

After a number of ISIS attacks in England this year causing multiple deaths London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan compared Donald Trump to ISIS this weekend.

The Sun reported:

LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan has accused President Donald Trump of using ISIS-style language by calling for a “total shutdown” of US borders to Muslims.

Speaking at the Labour party conference in Brighton, Khan also claimed he’d become a “reluctant participant” in the continuing spat between himself and the outspoken Republican.

Khan is clearly outraged by the President’s call for a ban on Muslims even though it’s reported he would make an exception for the Mayor.

He told a Guardian Live event :“My view was firstly ‘I’m not exceptional’ and secondly ‘Think about what you are saying.’ Because what you are saying is not dissimilar to what Daesh or so-called IS says.

“They say that there is a clash of civilisations, it is not possible to be a Muslim and a westerner, and the west hates us. And you are inadvertently playing their game, you are helping them.”

He said Trump’s ban on travellers gave the “wrong impression” of the religion.

In June, Sadiq Khan would not confirm whether he would petition the home secretary to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Khan says he must consider if it is the “right thing to do”.

Thursday, at a Greater London Assembly meeting, UKIP Assembly Member David Kurten quizzed the London Mayor on whether he would call for Hezbollah to be designated as a terror organization, adding:

Breitbart London reports:

Mr. Kurten referenced Hezbollah flags flying at the anti-Israel al-Quds Day march on Sunday, which, the AM observed, caused “great distress and alarm to lots of people”.

Khan, who was slammed by members of the capital’s Jewish community over his refusal to ban the march, curtly responded: “There’s nothing to stop you writing to the home secretary,” and told the UKIP AM he would read his letters “setting out the evidence” and consider whether writing to Ms. Rudd is “the right thing to do”.

The post Assange Blasts Sadiq Khan: London Elected ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ Mayor Sympathetic to ‘Radical Islamic Terrorists’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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