
Associated Press Encourages Journalists to Use Transgender Approved Lingo

- Oktober 12, 2017

With California having passed a law that made it a jailable offense to misgender someone with an “improper” pronoun, you’d think we’ve reached peak absurdity with the “you will be made to care” movement known as transgenderism.

But you’d be wrong. The Associated Press has now gotten in on the nonsense too, as its stylebook editors announced on Tuesday that AP will be changing up a lot of their lingo requirements to increase the wokeness level of journalists reporting with their style.

AP began by listing the social justice definition of the difference between a person’s sex, and a person’s gender.

Using a series of tweets, AP explained that if a person identifies as transgender, then one must avoid noting whether or not they were born a boy or girl.

It even said that while gender-netural identifiers like “ze” or “zer” are not in official usage for AP style as of now, AP said they would keep these identifiers in mind if they become more common.

AP also added that instead of saying “gender reassignment surgery,” “sex change operation,” etc, AP style writers must now use “gender confirmation surgery.” This falls in line with the transgender movement’s claim that they were always a girl, even if they were born a boy.

Well that’s just doubleplusgood.

What you’re seeing here is AP participating in the normalization and spread of the illogical and the unscientific. It should be noted that many of the publications read on the internet today follow the AP style guide. While I’m sure many sites who do won’t necessarily follow this guide to the letter, many will.

The big problem here is that AP is essentially attempting to normalize a lie, then asking journalists — a group of people whose entire profession is about seeking the truth — to passively spread this normalization to you, the reader. How you’re informed on a subject often influences the language you use when discussing it. If you’re using their lingo, the culture leans in their favor.

To AP, I’ll have to say “no thanks.” I’m still going to use all the basic phrases that accurately describe a person, and I won’t change up my language to spare their feelings. Since feelings do not equate to — and too often get in the way of — facts, the AP is asking journalists to break from their integrity.

I won’t follow, and I hope many other journalists join me in the refusal of these new style guidelines.

The post Associated Press Encourages Journalists to Use Transgender Approved Lingo appeared first on RedState.


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