
Comey’s Latest Cryptic Tweet Has People Saying “He’s Running” in 2020

- Oktober 21, 2017

James Comey has been sending out cryptic tweets from a ‘secret’ Twitter account presumably belonging to the former FBI Director.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, James Comey admitted that he was secretly on Twitter and Instagram. In March, Gizmodo figured out which account he was operating in stealth….well not so stealth anymore.

The sleuth at Gizmodo, Ashley Feinberg, was tipped off by Comey’s own words regarding his Twitter and Instagram:

… I care deeply about privacy, treasure it. I have an Instagram account with nine followers. Nobody is getting in. They’re all immediate relatives and one daughter’s serious boyfriend. I let them in because they’re serious enough. I don’t want anybody looking at my photos. I treasure my privacy and security on the internet. My job is public safety.

After finding one of Comey’s sons on Instagram, a request was made to follow the account. Instagram then ‘suggests’ other people to follow based on an algorithm that tracks other people associated with this account…OOPS!

The name Reinhold Niebuhr popped up.

A quick Google search of Reinhold Niebuhr revealed:

By senior year, Comey was a double major in religion and chemistry, writing a senior thesis on theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and televangelist Jerry Falwell and on his way to the University of Chicago Law School.

The name Reinhold Niebuhr ultimately led the investigation to the Twitter account which is usually protected from public viewing.

Strange how the FBI Director can’t even cover his own tracks on social media…

On Wednesday afternoon, the Reinhold Niebuhr Twitter account, presumably run by James Comey sent out a very rare tweet in what appeared to be a response to President Trump’s tweetstorm slamming the former FBI Director.

Comey’s tweet from Wednesday, “Beautiful fall day at West Point. Lone kayaker on the Hudson.”

Comey’s confidant and longtime friend Benjamin Wittes tweeted about it too…

Thursday afternoon, the Reinhold Niebuhr Twitter account posted another picture with the caption, “Little Round Top, Gettysburg. Good place to think about leadership and values.”

People are starting to put together the messages…WOW…

On Friday evening, Comey’s alleged twitter account sent out a tweet with a picture of a very tall man standing in an Iowan corn field saying, “Good to be back in Iowa”

Many people took this as a sign that he may be running in 2020 given the significance of Iowa in national elections.

James Comey obviously sees himself saving the country from President Trump.

And these tweets show that the former FBI director is unstable and dangerous.

The post Comey’s Latest Cryptic Tweet Has People Saying “He’s Running” in 2020 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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