Wednesday on MSNBC, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said he had “significant” receptiveness during conversations with his Republican colleagues on legislation to ban gun modifications that convert semi-automatic guns into an automatics, such as a bump-stock reportedly used by the Las Vegas shooter. Blumenthal said, “I am not only supporting it, I have joined in legislation with Senator Feinstein, and I announced just literally moments ago, that would ban bump stocks. These are the carnage force multipliers. The firing mechanism that harnesses recoil energy and makes it possible to convert a semi-automatic into automatics. Yes, we should ban them, and I think it’s a point of common ground where we can come together in addition to others.” When asked if he has spoken to Republican Blumenthal added, “Yes informal discussions with some of my colleagues not only about this but also background checks and a ban on assault weapons, the high capacity magazines. All of those kinds of weapons and devices accelerated and enhanced the ability of that shooter in Las Vegas to kill so many people. Yes, I have talked to my colleagues, and I think on this point of the bump-stock There is receptiveness that I think is very,