
Hume: Either Both Pence Walkout and Anthem Protests Are Stunts, Or Neither Is

- Oktober 10, 2017

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume argued that either both the National Anthem protests and Vice President Mike Pence’s walkout of an NFL game are stunts, or neither are. Hume said, “I think you can take the view that says the players are performing these stunts, some of them week in and week out. And the administration, in the person of Vice President Pence, have responded to that by kind of a counter-stunt. I think you can say they’re both stunts, or that neither are stunts. I don’t think — I don’t see how anybody could seriously argue that what the players have been doing is not a stunt and what the vice president did is a stunt. So, I think any kind of sensible and balanced look at this thing would say they’re both doing the same thing.” He added that he is “somewhat amused by a lot of liberal critics of the vice president who have suddenly developed a deep concern about our budget, after years in which the deficit was exploding, and now they’re concerned about this.” Hume concluded, “I have no doubt that he and

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