Former New York Jets great “Broadway” Joe Namath defended the National Anthem protests Tuesday on “Fox & Friends,” and suggested viewers should “look up the meaning of oppression.” “[G]oing back to what Colin Kaepernick initially did, it was to point out some injustice that’s being done to the black race, or to people that obviously when you look — and I say obviously, some of these dash cams and shootings that were done to unarmed people. He was reaching out to try to get it more investigated. So that’s where this oppression thing comes in,” Namath explained. “Look up the meaning of oppression,” he later added. “Look up the definition of oppression, and you understand that it’s obviously taken place.” Although Namath supports the meaning behind the national anthem protests, the former star quarterback said owners like Dallas Cowboys’ Jerry Jones have the right to tell players to not protest in the workplace. Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent