
Kathy Griffin Published Emails ‘Proving’ She’s Blacklisted After ‘Trump Decapitation’ Stunt

- Oktober 16, 2017

We haven’t heard much from Kathy Griffin since she pulled off this disgusting stunt—until now.

Griffin took photos and released video of herself holding the decapitated head of President Trump. She was dressed in a blouse that Melania Trump had worn which made it all the more insulting.

The disgusting stunt traumatized Donald Trump’s 11 year-old son Barron.

The anti-Trump stunt backfired and cost the washed up comedian her job at CNN and forced her into hiding.

The Secret Service even interrogated Kathy Griffin for over an hour over the summer.

Griffen has said she is NOT sorry for her anti-Trump stunt.

The Palm Beach Post reported:

Kathy Griffin told Australian TV that she is no longer sorry for the Trump decapitation photo.
Actress and comedian Kathy Griffin says she is no longer sorry for posing with a fake severed bloody head of Donald Trump during a photo shoot.

“The whole outrage was B.S., the whole thing got so blown out of proportion and I lost everybody,” she recently told Seven Network in Australia, where she is about to appear on her “Laugh Your Head Off” world tour, The Hill.com reported.

After the controversial photo went viral, the backlash was strong and she went “through the mill,” according to The Hill.

On Monday, the washed up comedian posted emails allegedly detailing how she has been black-listed from the entertainment industry. Griffin can’t book any gigs after her ‘Trump decapitation’ stunt.

If you’ve ever wondered what blacklisting in any industry looks like, especially if you're a woman of a certain age, I’…

Posted by Kathy Griffin on Monday, October 16, 2017

Decider reports:

To hear Kathy Griffin tell her tale of 2017 is to learn that it’s possible for one joke to derail a career. Back in May, pics from a photoshoot depicting the comedian holding a makeshift decapitated head of President Donald Trump caused a massive controversy. Trump called the photos “sick” and Griffin apologized. The story didn’t end there, though, and as Griffin has revealed on her Facebook page, the fallout from that one photoshoot continues to unfold almost five months later.

In a Facebook post, Griffin claims that she has been blacklisted following the events of this past spring. “If you’ve ever wondered what blacklisting in any industry looks like, especially if you’re a woman of a certain age, I’ll show you right now,” she begins, before launching into her account of an invite to deliver the opening remarks at this December’s The Hollywood Reporter Power 100 Women in Entertainment breakfast–and the subsequent rescinding of that invite.

Below is a write-out of Griffen’s Facebook post:

GRIFFIN: “If you’ve ever wondered what blacklisting in any industry looks like, especially if you’re a woman of a certain age, I’ll show you right now.

Last month, I received an invite through my former publicist to deliver the opening remarks at The Hollywood Reporter Power 100 Women In Entertainment breakfast that will be held in December. I’ve attended this event numerous times, including last year when they honored Megyn Kelly (and yeah…I playfully flipped her the bird when she continued to praise Trump). I was honored to FINALLY have my chance to take the mic at an event I admired and to address my peers directly. Unfortunately, they rescinded my offer and I am no longer invited to speak. I do not buy their official reasoning and I believe “the word has been put out” on me. I can’t help but take this as another occasion where Hollywood is blacklisting a woman and silencing her. After decades of hard work in this industry, it’s my opinion that this is not right nor justified. Yeah, I took one photo holding up a children’s Halloween Trump mask with ketchup on it…so what? How’s that feigned outrage working out for you now in light of a possible impending nuclear holocaust?

For decades, I have worked to shine a light in a humorous way on a coterie of topics, controversial and otherwise, in an extremely male-dominated field. I have received no public support that has translated into being able to simply resume my life-long career.

In any way possible, I will of course continue to champion those without voices and those who are disenfranchised, with the hope of being able to do my job. I just want to make you laugh, even though I don’t have one single day of paid work ahead of me in the United States for the rest of my life. That’s what blacklisting is.

I’ve attached the emails that were sent to my team and I so you can all see for yourself.


The post Kathy Griffin Published Emails ‘Proving’ She’s Blacklisted After ‘Trump Decapitation’ Stunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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