
Marilou Danley Is Lying=> Neighbors Say She Moved ALL OF HER BELONGINGS Out of House in August

- Oktober 06, 2017

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock from Mesquite, Nevada smashed the windows in his room at the Mandalay Inn and fired down on thousands of concert goers in Las Vegas.
Paddock murdered 59 people and injured more than 500.

Authorities later found over a dozen guns in his hotel room and another 19 guns at his home.

Now this…
A 68-year-old neighbor of Stephen Paddock said she saw the girlfriend Marilou Danley moving her belongings from the home in early August.
She filled up her car with her belongings and ever tie some things to the roof of the car.

Marilou Danley is lying to authorities.

In an exclusive interview with Sun Online, Suzy Page, 68, who lives next door to Paddock and his girlfriend Marilou Danley, said: “It was the talk of the neighbourhood what on earth he had stashed in the safe, it was as big as a refrigerator…

…“I lived next door to him and his girlfriend and never once got as much as a smile out of him.

“They had barely any furniture in the house and nothing in the yard, the shades were always down and it was like they were not even living there.

Another neighbour from the same exclusive retirement community in Reno, who did not want to be named, said: “I saw the safe and it was literally the size of a refrigerator.

“We would all wonder what on earth he kept in there, but nobody could ever ask as he was not the kind of man who engaged with anyone.

“Occasionally he would work out early in the morning at the community gym, but never ever does anyone here remember him having a friendly word to say to anyone.”

Mrs Page also revealed how Paddock, 64, fled town after buying a new silver minivan at the start of August.

And just two weeks later she said she watched as girlfriend Marilou Danley packed her things into her car before also leaving.

Mrs Page added: “I remember at the start of August looking out of my window and seeing Stephen pull up in a brand new huge silver minivan.

“But just a few days later he left the house in it and was never seen again.

“I thought the whole situation was even weirder when two weeks later I then look out of my window again to see Marilou stuffing her car full of all her belongings.

“Over the course of three or four days it was like she was moving her entire life out of the house.

“She packed so much stuff not only was her car full, but it was also tied to the top of her car.

“After a few days of packing she too pulled out of the driveway and was never seen again.

“It was all very strange.”

Marilou Danley told authorities Paddock bought her a ticket to the Philippines while he committed his terrorist acts.
There is obviously more to this story.

The post Marilou Danley Is Lying=> Neighbors Say She Moved ALL OF HER BELONGINGS Out of House in August appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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