In a video announcement released on September 18th, Project Veritas founder and guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe warned his organization was currently operating one of the biggest ever investigations into the mainstream media’s ‘holy grail,’ promising media people will likely lose their jobs over the imminent exposé.
As previously reported, James O’Keefe released part one of his ‘American Pravda’ series with CNN on June 27th and subsequently released 2 more videos exposing CNN for reporting on the Russian collusion “Nothing Burger”.
O’Keefe says his goal is to expose the real motivation behind the decision making process in our dominant media corporation. The Russia story has dominated CNN. Since the inauguration, CNN has mentioned Russia on air nearly 16,000 times.
Early Tuesday morning, O’Keefe teased that he recorded the New York Times in a tweet to President Trump.
Project Veritas released part one Tuesday morning. It’s a video of the New York Times video gatekeeper Nicholas Dudich, who was caught on hidden-camera boasting of his lack of journalistic ethics. Dudich, who serves as Audience Strategy Editor, displays a lack of integrity throughout the video, manages videos which go “on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram” for the Times.
Wednesday morning, O’Keefe dropped part two–exploiting and manipulating the news. (transcribed via Veritas)
Project Veritas has released its second New York Times video, again featuring Audience Strategy Editor Nicholas Dudich. This time, the video gatekeeper describes how he can influence the news by manipulating social media and employing the help of his friends in Silicon Valley.
“As an editor, I’m a gatekeeper so I can choose what goes out and what doesn’t go out. And let’s say we wrote something about Facebook negatively… We actually just did a video about Facebook negatively, and I chose to put it in a spot that I knew wouldn’t do well.”
Dudich admits he has friends in Silicon Valley who help his videos trend. He buried the Facebook story because of his personal biases, and to protect his friends in Silicon Valley, which is in conflict with the New York Times mission.
When asked if it’s good for business to have Silicon Valley connections, Dudich replied, “Yeah. Very good. Very, very good.”
Dudich goes on to explain why he doesn’t want anyone at The Times to know about his connections:
“Let’s say something ends up on the YouTube front page, New York Times freaks out about it, but they don’t know it’s just because my friends curate the front page. So, it’s like, a little bit of mystery you need in any type of job to make it look like what you do is harder than what it is.”
Today, O’Keefe released a bonus clip on Thursday of YouTube employee, Earnest Pettie claiming he makes sure Black Lives Matter videos get discovered on YouTube.
Watch Earnest Pettie talk about making sure people associated with Black Lives Matter are on YouTube. He then uses the algorithms to promote the group.
Video Via Project Veritas:
NEW CLIP- @YouTube employee says he makes sure #BLM is discovered on YouTube-"use them [the algorithms] for good."
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 12, 2017
Finally, the Executive Editor Dean Baquet of the New York Times has responded to Project Veritas’ undercover sting operation.
“Executive Editor of @nytimes responds to @Project_Veritas videos: Their employee said things that are “damaging and I will deal with that.” tweeted O’Keefe.
Executive Editor of NYT @deanbaquet responds to our videos, says our Videos reveal editor saying “damaging” things, “he will deal with that”
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 13, 2017
Executive Editor of @nytimes responds to @Project_Veritas videos: Their employee said things that are “damaging and I will deal with that”
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 13, 2017
Following the release of O’Keefe’s damaging videos, Baquet says the paper will “institute tougher social media rules for employees.”
NYT executive editor @deanbaquet says Times will institute tougher social media rules for employees
— jennifer steinhauer (@jestei) October 12, 2017
The New York Times released yet another statement concerning Project Veritas’ undercover sting.
“This is the New York Times SECOND reaction from @deanbaquet — due to our #AmericanPravda investigation… stay tuned…more coming…,” tweeted James O’Keefe on Friday.
This is the New York Times SECOND reaction from @deanbaquet — due to our #AmericanPravda investigation… stay tuned…more coming…
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 13, 2017
Clifford Levy of the New York Times went on a tweet storm, calling on journalists to curb the promotion of their personal political opinions and social media activity.
“NYT issued expanded social media guidelines today. They are rooted in the very experiences of our journalists,” tweeted Levy.
NYT issued expanded social media guidelines today. They are rooted in the very experiences of our journalists. 1/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
“Guidelines were developed collaboratively, w/feedback from star reporters like @maggieNYT @nickconfessore @rcallimachi@peterbakernyt”
Guidelines were developed collaboratively, w/feedback from star reporters like @maggieNYT @nickconfessore @rcallimachi @peterbakernyt 2/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
“In fact, we emphasize the views of NYT journalists in the guidelines. Greats like @Yamiche @katierogers @sangerkatz@Max_Fisher“
In fact, we emphasize the views of NYT journalists in the guidelines. Greats like @Yamiche @katierogers @sangerkatz @Max_Fisher 3/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
“The main message of the updated guidelines: we believe in the power of social media. It plays a vital role in our journalism.”
The main message of the updated guidelines: we believe in the power of social media. It plays a vital role in our journalism. 4/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
“Social media allows our journalism to reach new audiences, amplifying the voices of our journalists”
Social media allows our journalism to reach new audiences, amplifying the voices of our journalists 5/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
“We can engage with readers, listeners and viewers — and experiment with new forms of storytelling and voice”
We can engage with readers, listeners and viewers — and experiment with new forms of storytelling and voice 6/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
We can effectively pull back the curtain and invite our audience to witness, and potentially contribute to, our reporting 7/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
But social media presents potential risks for The Times. Our newsroom must grapple with those. 8/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
If our journalists are perceived as biased or engage in editorializing on social media, that can undercut our newsroom’s credibility 9/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
On social media, our journalists must not express partisan opinions, promote political views, endorse candidates 10/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
Our journalists should be especially mindful of appearing to take sides on issues that The Times is seeking to cover objectively 11/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
There are many more sections in the updated guidelines. We warmly welcome feedback on them – from our journalists or anyone else. 12/12
— Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) October 13, 2017
The post NYT Announces Major Policy Changes Following James O’Keefe’s “Damaging” Undercover Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.