
Pathetic! Ben Affleck Tweets Measly 10-Word Apology For Groping ‘Kid’ Actress

- Oktober 11, 2017

Five days after sexual abuse allegations first were reported liberal actors and politicians finally condemned Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama finally released statements condemning the top Democrat donor and close friend Harvey Weinstein.

Even Hollywood actor Ben Affleck condemned Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday after he felt it was safe to release a statement.

Affleck’s former co-star Rose McGowan told Ben to “F*ck off!” and accused him of knowing about Weinstein’s abuse for years.

It’s not clear which press conference McGowan was referring to, but both she (left) and Affleck (center) appeared in the 1998 horror movie Phantoms (pictured), produced by Weinstein.(Daily Mail)

The Daily Mail reported:

Rose McGowan slammed Ben Affleck as a liar Tuesday after he finally broke his silence over the sexual harassment and assault allegations leveled at Harvey Weinstein.

Five days after the claims broke about the producer, who backed Affleck and Matt Damon’s screenplay for Good Will Hunting, Affleck said that he was ‘saddened and angry’ over the claims.

He also said that ‘The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick,’ and that he wants to see more support for women in the media.

But McGowan, who was allegedly assaulted by Weinstein in 1997 and has been crusading against silence over Weinstein’s grim past, stuck out at his claims to obliviousness.

She tweeted: ‘@benaffleck “GODD*MNIT! I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT” you said that to my face. The press conf I was made to go to after assault. You lie.’

According to x17online, Affleck visited a LA Buddhist rehab facility on Tuesday, when he was approached about his embattled friend Harvey Weinstein. Affleck didn’t say a word, despite denouncing him in a tweet.

The camera man asked the actor if he thought Weinstein was a sick individual. Affleck didn’t say anything, simply ignoring the question as he entered into the facility.

Affleck is now being accused of groping former TRL host Hilarie Burton’s breasts.

Daily Beast reports:

When a fan tweeted that Affleck might as well have “kept quiet,” another Twitter user wrote: “He also grabbed Hilarie Burton’s breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.”

Burton, who starred in the show One Tree Hill, quickly jumped into the thread, confirming that she recalled the incident.

A ‘wild and crazy,’ interview from 2004 has resurfaced featuring actor Ben Affleck and Canadian TV presenter Anne-Marie Losique. Affleck was promoting his epically disastrous film Jersey Girl.

The Canadian TV presenter Anne-Marie Losique can be seen siting on the actor’s lap, as he wraps his arms around her.

“They would like the show better if you did it topless, wouldn’t they?” Affleck asks Losique.

“That’s a lovely perfume you have on. You usually show a lot more cleavage than this, what’s the story?”

“It’s Sunday morning,” Losique says.

“That never stopped you before, from getting them t**ties out. Who you trying to fool, Sunday morning? You should be in church with that rack on display.”

Affleck then complements Losique on her “firm breasts.”

The actor wants more, inquiring if she has a boyfriend back in Montreal.

Now the actor has tweeted a tiny 10 word “apology.”

No class.

The post Pathetic! Ben Affleck Tweets Measly 10-Word Apology For Groping ‘Kid’ Actress appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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