
Pirro on Hillary Politicizing Las Vegas Shooting: ‘Time for You to Go Back Into the Woods’

- Oktober 08, 2017

Fox News Channel “Justice” host Jeanine Pirro chastised 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on her Saturday show for her apparent rush to “manipulate” the pain and anger following the Las Vegas shooting to criticize lawful gun owners. The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 “Hillary, there’s a reason you lost the election,” Pirro said. “As Americans come together, you seek to divide, not sympathize, not empathize, showing just how hollow a tin man you are. In your desperate attempt to be relevant, you go after gun owners in the NRA, when this guy wasn’t even a member of the NRA.” Pirro then showed clips of Clinton blaming the GOP and the NRA for the “gun epidemic” in America, saying not all gun owners should be blamed for the actions of Stephen Paddock — much like not all Muslims should be blamed for the actions of a few. “Wait a minute, the NRA and the GOP?” responded Pirro. “How dare you connect law-abiding citizens exercising our Second Amendment rights to a mass murderer of innocent civilians. How

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