
Seriously? Hillary Clinton Says She Was “Running Down Stairs in Heels With Cup of Coffee” When She Broke Toe — FLASHBACK STAIR VIDEOS

- Oktober 16, 2017

Hillary Clinton canceled her interview with the BBC today.
She said, “I was running down the stairs in heels with a cup of coffee in hand, I was talking over my shoulder and my heel caught and I fell backwards. I tried to get up and it really hurt. I’ve broken my toe. I’ve received excellent care from your excellent health service.”

Does anyone believe that?

Has anyone else noticed how much trouble Hillary Clinton has had with stairs and steps in the last year?

Hillary going up stairs.

Hillary going downstairs.

Hillary needing help downstairs after presidential debate whooping.

Hillary falls climbing steps into plane.

Hillary passes out cold and is chucked into Scooby van like side of beef.

And we’re supposed to believe she fell down the stairs running with a cup of coffee?

The post Seriously? Hillary Clinton Says She Was “Running Down Stairs in Heels With Cup of Coffee” When She Broke Toe — FLASHBACK STAIR VIDEOS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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