
With Ed Gillespie, Virginia GOP Gets Tired of Winning

- Oktober 17, 2017

Tired of winning yet? Donald Trump and the Republican Party of Virginia sure seem tired of winning, so now they’re going to lose!

FILE – In this Tuesday, March 21, 2017 photo, Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ed Gillespie, gestures during a kitchen table discussion at a private home in Toano, Va. Gillespie faces fellow Republicans, State Sen. Frank Wagner, and Corey Stewart in the June 13th primary. Virginia primary voters will select candidates for the nation’s marquee race for governor, without any recommendations so far from President Donald Trump or former President Barack Obama on who to vote for. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

Defenders of Ed Gillespie say it was a feat that he lost so narrowly to Mark Warner 49-48 in 2016. Critics, of whom I am one, counter that he’s an uninspiring candidate who hasn’t proven he has the ability to win any race, anywhere.

Gillespie is a career party operative who now believes it’s his turn to be on the ballot. His fellow party operatives have fallen in line with him, and now this is his second time being the statewide standard bearer for the RPV. That was a mistake.

But it’s a mistake that has been made. Gillespie is the nominee against Democrat Ralph Northam. So why isn’t the party uniting against Northam? Guys like Corey Stewart and Donald Trump don’t seem to care. It’s almost like they want the Democrat to win.

And the Democrat is winning. Gillespie has continued his string of winning exactly zero polls since winning the nomination, and two more polls came out today with Gillespie losing 50-44 (Roanoke College) and 48-44 (Christopher Newport University). Gillespie is well behind, when he can’t even win one poll by accident!

Virginia isn’t an unfriendly state for Republicans. However by making poor nominations, letting the DC-Richmond axis of consultants pick candidates, and failing to unite around the winners, the party is sabotaging itself.

Just got tired of winning, I guess.

The post With Ed Gillespie, Virginia GOP Gets Tired of Winning appeared first on RedState.


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