Guest post by Joe Hoft
Last week it was reported that President Trump’s son in law and assistant in the White House, Jared Kushner, flew to Saudi Arabia but the purpose of his trip was kept confidential. According to the Daily Mail –
Jared Kushner recently returned from an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia along with a security adviser and Middle East envoy, it has emerged.
Kushner was joined by deputy national security adviser Dina Powell and Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, and returned to the US on Saturday by commercial jet, a White House official told Politico.
It’s unclear who Kushner met out there, or what was discussed – and the White House isn’t saying – but a friend of Kushner’s said it was part of a long game to solve the Israel-Palestine dispute.
Daily Mail also reported that –
Kushner traveled separately from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who went to the Saudi capital of Riyadh last week to discuss closing down terrorists’ funding.
This past weekend, less than a week later, Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia’s future king arrested a number of prominent individuals in anti-corruption arrests –
Saudi Arabia’s future king has tightened his grip on power through an anti-corruption purge by arresting royals, ministers and investors including billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal who is one of the kingdom’s most prominent businessmen.
Reuters reports that –
Prince Alwaleed, a nephew of the king and owner of investment firm Kingdom Holding, invests in firms such as Citigroup and Twitter. He was among 11 princes, four ministers and tens of former ministers detained, three senior officials told Reuters on Sunday.
The purge against the kingdom’s political and business elite also targeted the head of the National Guard, Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, who was detained and replaced as minister of the powerful National Guard by Prince Khaled bin Ayyaf.
The allegations against Prince Alwaleed include money laundering, bribery and extorting officials, one official told Reuters, while Prince Miteb is accused of embezzlement, hiring ghost employees and awarding contracts to his own companies including a $10 billion deal for walkie talkies and bulletproof military gear worth billions of Saudi riyals.
What Reuters does not share is that Prince Alwaleed is the second largest shareholder at Twitter. He also reportedly was behind millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation.
We also know from WikiLeaks emails that Hillary and creepy John Podesta, her campaign manager, knew that Saudis and Qatar were funding ISIS –
Hillary Clinton email reveals she knew of Saudi & Qatar government funding for ISIL (ISIS) by August 2014
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 5, 2017
So the Saudi Prince who is related to the Clintons and Twitter was just placed under arrest for money laundering, bribery and extorting officials and notably these arrests come right after President Trump’s son in law visited Saudi Arabia. If Kushner had something to do with putting a corrupt Hillary-loving Prince behind bars – well done!
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