Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones is not at all happy with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and threatened to come down harder than anything Goodell has previously experienced.
According to ESPN, Jones didn’t mince words.
“I’m gonna come after you with everything I have,” Jones said. Then he mentioned Deflategate. “If you think Bob Kraft came after you hard, Bob Kraft is a p—y compared to what I’m going to do.”
The ever-deepening rift between Jones and Goodell is a combination of Jones’ belief that Goodell has mishandled the kneeling controversy, where players have been protesting America by kneeling during the national anthem. The other has been the upheld six-game suspension of Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott who was accused of domestic violence.
Jones has made it clear that he believes Elliott to be innocent of the charges, and considers this a “complete betrayal” on Goodell’s part, as Jones was once a major supporter of Goodell.
Between Goodell and Jones, the rivalry has gotten so deep that it was rumored that Jones had convinced Papa Johns pizza chain CEO to call out Goodell as a weak leader in the face of the NFL anthem protests. Goodell’s actions did cost the NFL quite a bit, including falling ratings for games and lower sales for sponsors.
All of this amounts to Jones waging something of a righteous war against the NFL commissioner. Jones has proven himself to be a bit more tenacious and business-minded in face of the many controversies within the NFL. Goodell may have a hard fight ahead of him.
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