On Tuesday, North Korea launched their latest missile test – and it flew for a record 53 minutes.
Pictures released from the hermit nation show an extremely elated and joyous Kim Jong-un celebrating his most recent missile test. Is it any wonder why he’s so happy? With a 53 minute flight time, North Korea can now strike anywhere in the mainland United States. Going even further, James Mattis – U.S. Defense Secretary – said the missile launch demonstrated North Korea now has the ability to hit “everywhere in the world”. Yikes!
Above, Kim Jong-un can be seen celebrating with North Korean officials. With this being their most successful launch, their delight is especially easy to see.
The launch was the first one since September and although many have condemned the launch – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Senator Lindsey Graham among the many – it’s unlikely North Korea will see fit to cease their operational testing of warheads and missiles. Lindsey Graham told (Fake News) CNN’s Wolf Blitzer:
If we have to go to war to stop this, we will. If there’s a war with North Korea it will be because North Korea brought it on itself, and we’re headed to a war if things don’t change.
Wow! Spoken like a true neocon warhawk, Lindsey!
On the latest missile test, President Trump said he will “take care of” and “handle” the situation. Meanwhile, the ardently anti-Trump mainstream media salivates at the mere chance of a failure on Trump’s part. In reality, although Trump will have to solve this mess – it is no way, shape, or form his problem.
Since lackadaisical Bill Clinton was in office, the U.S. has been side-stepping and ignoring the blossoming problem of a nuclear North Korea… through our previous Presidents – the Bushes, Obama – we’ve successfully ignored the problem until now…
Now we are faced with a fully-capable, nuclear North Korea able to strike nearly anywhere in the world. This is not Trump’s problem – without an isomer of doubt – but Trump will solve it.
We stand behind you, President, and understand fully the stacked deck you inherited upon entering the White House!
Photo credit: Yonhap News Agency and KCNA via Reuters
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