
Trump Renews Feud with CNN

- November 25, 2017

President Trump renewed his feud with CNN on Saturday, taking a swipe at the network that has kept him pressed to the wall for the past year.

Trump fed his daily red meat to his famished base on Twitter:

That he’s singing the praises of Fox News is no surprise. Trump is the most petulant, petty, and vindictive president in modern history. He has done the Herculean task of making a corrupt Obama look mature, by comparison. He is an embarrassment of immeasurable proportions.

Fox News gets a pass because the majority of the on-air talent for the network grovel and snivel at Trump’s feet, tossing softball interviews and cooing with doe eyes over anything he says, no matter how bizarre and unhinged.

So what’s the latest beef to get Trump’s Depends in a knot?

The tweet comes amid tensions over a potential merger between AT&T and Time Warner. The Justice Department allegedly told AT&T to sell off either CNN’s parent company or DirecTV as a condition of approving the merger.

The department formally sued AT&T to block the $85 billion merger on Monday, arguing that it would hurt competition and consumers.

AT&T has denied it has offered to sell the cable network, or that it would in the future.

The Justice Department move has drawn criticism from observers who note that Trump is often critical of CNN.

And Trump has further said that he feels the merger would be bad for America.

Maybe, but that doesn’t justify another shameless attack on the press.

Shortly after the attack, CNN personalities struck back.

And the network directly chose to answer, as well.

Good for them. And well said.

One final shot came from Oliver Darcy:

Maybe Trump should just get back to the golf course and stop trying to control the direction of the news, or cut out networks that don’t cater to his ego.


The post Trump Renews Feud with CNN appeared first on RedState.


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