
Trump’s “Coffee Boy” Boasted to Reporters of His “Blank Check” with the Trump Campaign

- November 17, 2017

The “coffee boy” apparently didn’t consider himself a low-level volunteer with the 2016 Trump campaign. In fact, he felt comfortable referring to himself as more.

That’s the word coming out today from several Greek reporters, who spoke with George Papadopoulos during the campaign.

According to the journalists, Papadopoulos said he had a “blank check” to choose his position with the Trump administration, as well as to represent Trump in meetings overseas.

In fact, according to Papadopoulos, Trump reached out to him, personally.

Papadopoulos had originally made the claims to two reporters from the Green publication Kathimerini, who spoke with Politico.

The former campaign adviser told the reporters he had received a blank check to select a senior position in the administration, and was allowed to represent Trump overseas during the campaign with foreign officials.

The advisor also said he represented Trump at a campaign event in New York City with Greek Cypriot Americans, according to the publication.

He apparently was getting a lot of mileage from his position with Trump’s campaign, especially in Greece.

He was wined and dined, even given a spot to sit in as a judge in a Greek beauty pageant.

Maybe Papadopoulos really is just a liar. He’s at least enough of a liar that he couldn’t resist lying to the FBI in the course of their investigation into possible collusion with Russians in the 2016 election.

Papadopoulos said he had pitched a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin during the campaign, going against Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions‘ original claims that there had never been a discussion about meeting with Russian officials.

Trump has dismissed Papadopoulos as a low level staffer, however Sessions acknowledged during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee this week, that he participated in a meeting with Papadopoulos and other Trump campaign officials last year.

Papadopoulos, as was revealed by Robert Mueller a week ago, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and he’s now cooperating with authorities in the ongoing investigation.


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