
All Eyes on Adam Schiff – House Republicans Call For Inquiry Into Russia Investigation Leaks – Demand Leakers be Removed, Disciplined

- Desember 19, 2017

Three House Republicans called for an inquiry into House Intelligence Committee Russia investigation leaks Monday.

Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), Congresswoman Mia Love (R, UT-4) and Congressman John Ratcliffe (R, TX-4) sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Monday outlining their concern with improper public communication of information by Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 

The Reps called for an inquiry and demanded members and staff responsible for violating rules be removed from the investigation.

Full text of the letter is as follows:

Dear Speaker Ryan and Leader Pelosi,

We write to you to address serious concerns regarding the integrity of investigations currently being undertaken by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Improper release of information to the media by committee members or staff is a serious violation of committee and House rules. Significant evidence that serious leaks have occurred in relation to the HPSCI investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election must be immediately addressed. Members or staff who may have violated rules by leaking sensitive information to the press or other outside entities must be promptly removed from this investigation and proper inquiries undertaken without delay.

Our serious concerns center around but are not limited to the leaks of privileged information by HPSCI members and/or staff to the press regarding an interview of Donald Trump, Jr. that took place on December 6, 2017. Under committee and House rules, the details of this non-public interview were not to be released publicly unless the committee voted to do so. Even with such a vote, the rules still allow for a witness and his or her counsel to review the transcript before public release. On December 7, as the committee’s eight hour interview of Donald Trump, Jr. was still underway, information from this closed session of the committee was clearly being leaked to the press. This is evidenced in multiple tweets and online articles that contained privileged information that only members or staff present for the interview would have been privy to. The leaking of privileged information continued after the interview had concluded. These serious violations need to be investigated and any members responsible for such violations must no longer serve as part of this investigationAny staff who have violated committee or House rules must also face appropriate disciplinary action.

The integrity of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is of critical importance to the whole House and to the nation we are all tasked with serving. Your immediate attention to this matter is needed to ensure that the credibility of this body is not at risk as it undertakes investigations and handles sensitive issues of importance to the United States. We thank you in advance for your prompt reply.

All eyes are on Adam Schiff.

Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) came unhinged Friday after Mueller, Rosenstein and the team of corrupt hacks took a beating this week in a hearing.

Adam Schiff is in full panic mode and went on a tweetstorm Friday morning after Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer sent a letter to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence demanding an inquiry into leaks that took place during and after Don Jr.’s interview with the committee on December 6th, New York Mag reported.

The voluntary interview, which took over 8 hours was conducted under oath was to be kept strictly confidential and would not be discussed publicly unless the Committee voted on the release of the transcripts.

It is very obvious that someone is leaking parts of his interview to the press…Adam Schiff, all eyes are on you.

Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas also named Adam Schiff in his letter, recalling Rep Schiff went straight to the media to discuss certain details of the interview.

Futerfas continued by saying Rep Schiff and other members of the committee purposely ‘attempted to discredit Don Jr. by  inaccurately portraying the breadth, scope and substance of the interview’.

Don Jr.’s lawyer then cited the recent CNN botched bombshell Wikileaks story claiming members of the committee were disseminating wildly inaccurate information.

Read the full letter from attorney Alan Futerfas to Representative Mike Conaway of Texas here.

Judicial Watch also filed an ethics complaint against Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier for violating House ethics rules in April.

It would be glorious to see Adam Schiff removed from this investigation especially after he hit Chairman Devin Nunes with a bogus ethics investigation that lasted eight months.

Don Jr took a lowkey jab at Adam Schiff after it was announced House Reps called for an inquiry into the leaks. Adam Schiff loves that free air time!

The post All Eyes on Adam Schiff – House Republicans Call For Inquiry Into Russia Investigation Leaks – Demand Leakers be Removed, Disciplined appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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