
DISGUSTING. Far Left Group Starts Running Ads Comparing Judge Roy Moore to Mass Murderer Dylan Roof (VIDEO)

- Desember 06, 2017

The Democrats can’t run on their record or policies — So in Alabama they have now resorted on comparing Republican Roy Moore to a mass murderer.

This ad by Highway 31 PAC compares Judge Roy Moore to mass murderer Dylan Roof.
This is how far the Democrat Party has fallen.

Reader Ryan sent this to us on Wednesday morning.

“We Alabamians are getting highly disturbing ads from an unknown PAC ‘Highway 31’ targeting Roy Moore on YouTube. I live in Fairhope, where the Moore rally was held earlier today. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it; luckily I was able to grab the unlisted video links by trying to share the ad. Surely the first video violates some kind of voter intimidation laws?”

Here is the ad.

The post DISGUSTING. Far Left Group Starts Running Ads Comparing Judge Roy Moore to Mass Murderer Dylan Roof (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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