
Don’t Look Now, but Omarosa’s Coming Tell-All Will Be a Dirt-Packed Page Turner

- Desember 28, 2017

I TOLD YOU a tell-all book was coming, didn’t I?

Yup. Ousted communications director Omarosa Manigault left the White House angry. The bland “fare thee well” on Twitter from President Trump wasn’t nearly what a woman scorned wanted to hear.

Now, a new report is that the reality TV mainstay is going to put her inside knowledge to print for big bucks.

On December 14, Manigault appeared on “Good Morning America” and teased the notion that she had stories to tell.

Life & Style Mag had the scoop:

“There were a lot of things I observed over the past year that I was uncomfortable with,” she said. “When I have the chance to tell my story, it’s quite a story to tell.” It’s worth a ton of money, too. Insiders estimate Omarosa’s juicy tell-all book about Donald, 71, wife Melania, 47, and Omarosa’s time in the White House could command as much as $10 million. And it could be devastating to Donald and Melania’s marriage: Sources close to Omarosa, 43, tell In Touch that they believe Omarosa intends to betray her former boss and his wife by spilling dark secrets about their marriage. “This could be Donald and Melania’s worst nightmare,” says one Washington, D.C., insider. Political analyst Peter Mathews agrees, telling In Touch that a book focusing on the president’s marriage “would be very damaging. Who knows how he treats Melania in the White House and vice versa.” Omarosa is a huge threat because of the bombshell secrets she may know: “If I were President Trump,” Mathews adds, “I would rather have had her on my staff still.”

Honestly, I don’t know how much Manigault may know, but she was part of his inner circle, and has known him for some time. There may have been things she noticed while working in the Trump White House.

In fact, Manigault boasts that she had more access to Trump than most.

That is, until Chief of Staff John Kelly threw up roadblocks to the Oval Office and caused her to lose her mind.

Another political source says Omarosa has dirt on the Trumps’ “icy” interactions. “She knows how much time they spend together and whether or not they even sleep in the same bedroom,” says a source. “How much does Melania have to put up with? Does she really agree with her husband’s stance on things? Does she believe any of the sexual harassment allegations lodged against him or are they all lies? Does she plan to divorce him once they’re out of the White House? All these questions could be answered.”

And expect a chapter on Ivanka Trump’s oversized influence on her daddy.

I’m sure Manigault is remaking her image, and you can soon expect her to be the new darling of the left.

The post Don’t Look Now, but Omarosa’s Coming Tell-All Will Be a Dirt-Packed Page Turner appeared first on RedState.


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