In a Tuesday appearance on Stuart Varney’s FOX Business Network program, former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom argued that officials working under former FBI Director James Comey likely obstructed justice during the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Kallstrom then took aim at Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department for failing to hand over documents that House investigators issued subpoenas for. In the final 20 seconds of the interview, Kallstrom hints ‘patriots,’ will soon expose why the Clinton Foundation probe was ‘shut down.’
Video credit: Fox Business
Transcript via ZeroPointNow:
Kallstrom: We started off with Jim Comey and his crazy actions that I thought were outside the main of how the FBI should operate. And now we come to this focus on the fifth estate that I’ve talked about, that includes multiplicities of people. But now we know it also includes a bunch of sycophants in the FBI – they were part of the Comey team, apparently. And people in justice also that I believe have exposure now for obstruction of justice. People tweet each other and they send text messages, but they don’t plan. The FBI is not in the business of planning to destroy a President of the United States. I think they were trying, I think they were way above their capability. This guy thinks he’s the lone ranger, this Peter Strzok. If that’s his thinking, and they were obviously in Andy’s office plotting some kind of thing.
And I think that some kind of thing is what we’re seeing right now. And we’ve seen for the last, what, ever since he’s been elected we’ve seen this facade and this phony challenge to Trump about collusion and Russia, which nothing could be further from the truth. All the collusion is with the Democrats, and it’s very very depressing to be FBI agents. 99 percent are hard working patriotic guys and girls that come to work for the good of the country. And you’ve got this cabal of people. You’ve got this deputy director (McCabe) who should have been out a long time ago for his actions. And then you’ve got Peter Strzok and who knows how many others. And you’ve got Comey with all the phony stuff that he did. But I think finally we’re going to get to the end of this, but the big mystery here is the Justice Department. What is the Justice Department doing? What is the Attorney General of the United States doing? You know, it’s too bad for Donald Trump who I’ve known for a long, long time. And for all his little things that he odes that people don’t like, his policies are what’s going to bring the United States back, globally in my view. Yet, you have this huge storm of people who are just putting roadblock after roadblock,. It’s a mystery to me why he hasn’t called over to the Attorney General and told the AG “give the oversight committees the documents they’re looking for.” Why is the Trump Justice Department not complying with subpoenas?
Varney: I want to summarize this. I want to be very clear about it. I have said in my opinion there is a cabal active within the FBI and the Justice Department.
Kallstrom: Yes
Varney: Which hates Trump, which protected Hillary Clinton and tried to bring down Donald Trump. That is an extraordinary story of interference in an American presidential election.
Kallstrom: Yes, yes, yes. It is. Without question that’s what it was. Just like the whole “so-called” Clinton investigation, it was phony from the beginning. No grand jury, giving witnesses immunity, putting all the subjects in one room at the same time. I mean it’s crazy. It’s nuts what they did.
Varney: What’s morale like in the FBI now?
Kallstrom: It’s not good, but I think recent events that I’m aware of are going to improve that because there’s going to be actually something that’s going to happen, in my view.
Varney: You going to leave us on that?
Kallstrom: Well I think there’s a lot of patriots that have had it up to here with what’s going on, and they’re going to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have bene. How they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation, how other things were done that are so anti-what the FBI and the United States and this country is about.
In response to this reporter tweeting out the interview above, the Clinton Foundation’s chief communications and marketing officer, Craig Minassian, tweeted and deleted this:
Clinton Foundation exec Craig Minassian @MinassianMedia deleted his tweet saying 'Oh well,' in response to my video about former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom warning ‘patriots,’ soon exposing why the foundation's probe was ‘shut down.'
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) December 20, 2017
It appears morale has hit rock bottom at the Clinton Foundation.
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