
Law Expert Fitzgibbons: Lisa Bloom Should Be Investigated by Bar Association for Paying Off Trump Accusers

- Desember 19, 2017

Tucker Carlson interviewed Attorney and fundraising law expert Mark Fitzgibbons on Tuesday about Attorney Lisa Bloom paying potential witnesses up to $750,000 to accuse Donald Trump of sexual misconduct.

Fitzgibbons told Tucker Lisa Bloom could face ethics violations if she allegedly tried to get money for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Mark Fitzgibbons: The FEC regulates campaign spent to influence elections and this appears to clearly be intended to influence an election… I think this is unethical conduct. There are certain circumstances in which a lawyer may pay a fact witness, for instance if you need a fact witness to travel. Those are the exceptions to the rule… This goes beyond paying someone to travel to appear and testify. This is a lot of money. This was proposed money from an undisclosed source to testify about allegations of unlawful conduct. I think Miss Bloom has potential ethical problems with the Bar Association… I think this is a good example of a time when the bar association does need to step in.

Yes. Lock her up — and her mother too!

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

The post Law Expert Fitzgibbons: Lisa Bloom Should Be Investigated by Bar Association for Paying Off Trump Accusers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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