
POTUS Trump Touts Historic GOP Tax Bill – Blasts Loser Democrat Complainers (VIDEO)

- Desember 21, 2017

The Senate approved Trump’s tax bill 51-48 in a midnight showdown.

This is the biggest tax overhaul in 30 years.

President Trump touted the historic GOP tax bill in a presser Wednesday. He also took at swipe at Democrats saying they only like to increase taxes and complain.
Update: House approves tax bill in re-vote; bill to move to President’s desk.

“We had a historic victory for the American people…the Democrats don’t like to see tax-cutting, they like to see tax increases. And they like to complain, they don’t get it done unfortunately but they complain a lot,” Trump said.

“The heart of our bill is a tremendous amount of relief for the middle class including the doubling of the child tax credit and a nearly doubling of the standard deduction,” Trump continued.

President Trump called the tax bill a “Christmas gift” for hardworking Americans.

Trump also touted lower unemployment numbers as more and more jobs are created.


Tax bill passes House in re-vote; bill to move to President’s desk, reports Fox News:

The post POTUS Trump Touts Historic GOP Tax Bill – Blasts Loser Democrat Complainers (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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