
Sarah Sanders Begins WH Briefing By Reminding #FakeNews Reporters Of POTUS Trump’s Many Accomplishments

- Desember 20, 2017

After a half hour delay due to the House’s vote on historic tax cuts, Sarah Sanders approached the podium to remind the many reporters in the room of President Trump’s many accomplishments that the #FakeNews seems to never want to report on. Listing just a few of President Trump’s many (underreported) accomplishments from job creation, energy independence, and the near elimination of ISIS territory, Sanders assured Americans and reporters alike, that this Administration is “just getting started.”

As December winds down, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to look back at what has been, by any measure, a historic year.

Nearly 1.7 million new jobs have been created, and the unemployment rate has fallen to 4.1 percent, the lowest rate in 17 years.  The stock market reached a record high more than 60 times and closed above 24,000 for the first time in history.

We’ve rolled back twenty-two regulations for every one new regulation, saving taxpayers over $8 billion and liberating America’s economy from the grip of bloated government.

We’ve withdrawn from, or began renegotiating the trade deals that once threatened to destroy American industry and shipped our jobs around the world.

We finally set up our nation on a path to not only energy independence, but energy dominanceWe approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, directed the EPA to end the job-killing war on coal, and upon the tax bill’s passage, will have opened up ANWR to responsible energy exploration.

The President has protected America’s communities.  We’ve seen the lowest level of illegal border crossings on record.  We ended the Obama administration’s dangerous catch-and-release policies, restoring law and order both on the border and in the interior.  And we’ve designed and built eight wall prototypes for the border wall.

We’ve taken unprecedented steps to tackle America’s opioids epidemic by directing the declaration of a nationwide public health emergency.

And we’ve promoted peace through strength.  Under the President’s leadership, ISIS has lost nearly all of its territory and its most important strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

We’ve restored old alliances, forged new ones, begun rebuilding our military, and made it clear to the world that there is no greater ally, no more fearsome adversary than the United States of America.

We’ve reshaped the American judiciary for generations.  Justice Gorsuch was confirmed to the Supreme Court, and 22 judges have been confirmed, including a record-setting 12 circuit judges.  We protected life by reinstating and expanding the Mexico City Policy that protects $9 billion in U.S.-taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions.

And this evening, hopefully upon passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the President will have delivered the most significant tax cut in the history of the nation and repealed the Obamacare individual mandate.

The President has delivered on promise after promise, issue after issue, time after time, and we’re just getting started.

The post Sarah Sanders Begins WH Briefing By Reminding #FakeNews Reporters Of POTUS Trump’s Many Accomplishments appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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