

- Januari 20, 2018

It’s over.

The Senate has been voting since 10:00 pm Eastern Time, and the vote is still open while I’m posting, but there is not enough time to get sufficient votes from the Senate, and definitely not enough time to go back and get the measure passed through the House again too before the clock strikes midnight.

How long the shutdown will last — hours, days, weeks? — remains to be seen, but it’s definitely happening.

UPDATE: The deadline has come and gone, and the shutdown is underway. Senators are still negotiating on the Senate floor, but we are officially in a shutdown now.

UPDATE #2: The official vote count was 50-49. Sen. John McCain of Arizona is recuperating from cancer treatments and was not present for the vote.

The vote was along party lines, except for several Democrat defectors from red states, Senators Doug Jones (Alabama), Claire McCaskill (Missouri), Heidi Heitkamp (N. Dakota), Joe Donnelly (Indiana), and Joe Manchin (W. Virginia), and Republicans Senators Lindsey Graham (S. Carolina), Jeff Flake (Arizona), Mike Lee (Utah), and Rand Paul (Kentucky).

UPDATE #3: McConnell has offered an amendment that would fund the government through February 8th.

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker.

The post BREAKING: IT’S SHUT DOWN appeared first on RedState.


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