
Congratulations NY Times Hack Paul Krugman Winner of the 2017 #FakeNewsAwards! – You Finally Won an Award You Deserve!

- Januari 18, 2018

President Trump announced his first Fake News Awards on Wednesday night.

The President posted a tweet on the award winners on Twitter.

Trump broke the internet…

The GOP webpage crashed!

Eventually the winners were listed online.

And the grand winner this year was New York Times crank Paul Krugman.

Krugman predicted on November 9, 2016, that the economy would never recover from a Trump election victory.

On Wednesday January 17, 2018, President Trump officially broke EVERY SINGLE DOW MARKET Record.

Congratulations Mr. Krugman.

You finally won an award you deserve!

The post Congratulations NY Times Hack Paul Krugman Winner of the 2017 #FakeNewsAwards! – You Finally Won an Award You Deserve! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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