
Former FBI Director Comey Questioned by Robert Muller On “Series Of Memos”

- Januari 24, 2018

This morning, The New York Times reports that former FBI Director James B. Comey was interviewed by Robert Muller sometime last year on a “series of memos” that Comey wrote about his interactions with Trump. In one of the memos, Comey claims that Trump requested that he end the FBI’s investigation into Michael Flynn.

More via Washington Examiner:

Former FBI Director James Comey was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller last year.

According to the New York Times, the interview focused on “a series of memos” Comey wrote about his interactions he had President Trump that bothered him.

It has been previously revealed that in one of the memos, Trump asked Comey to end the FBI’s investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn — who has since been charged in the Mueller probe.

The news comes just hours after Department of Justice spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores confirmed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was interviewed by Mueller’s team last week.

Sessions recused himself from any matters relating to the Russia investigation in March, and Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein in May.

A spokesman for the special counsel’s office said he will “decline to comment on our ongoign investigation” in an email to the Washington Examiner.

The post Former FBI Director Comey Questioned by Robert Muller On “Series Of Memos” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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