
HE WENT THERE=> James Woods Calls Out ‘Groping Joe Biden’

- Januari 03, 2018


Patriotic actor James Woods called out ‘groping Joe Biden’ late Tuesday night on Twitter.

Thank you James Woods for bringing attention to ‘Groping Joe’!

James Woods tweeted a picture of former Vice President Joe Biden grabbing a child’s face with a caption, “Hope this guy runs in 2020… then he hash tagged #GropingJoe

TGP’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported, former Vice President Joe Biden has a reputation for being handsy and a hugger with women and girls; being quite shameless about intruding on women and girls’ personal spaces. The media treats that aggressive sexual behavior as ‘Biden being Biden‘ because he is a gregarious pro-abortion liberal who deserves sympathy because he lost his first wife and a son to tragic early deaths.

Vice President Joe Biden apparently is an experienced child molester. Videos of Biden fondling several girls at the 2015 ceremonial Senate swearing-in session were reported earlier Monday by The Gateway Pundit.

Video from the January 5, 2011 ceremonial swearing-in of Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) shows the then 68-year-old Biden maneuvering to get Ayotte’s six-year-old daughter Kate to stand next to him so he could continuously touch her and repeatedly grind his crotch on her.

There should be an investigation into ‘Groping Joe’s’ sexual molestation of children.

Once again, James Woods with a home run!

The post HE WENT THERE=> James Woods Calls Out ‘Groping Joe Biden’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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