Another Sunday Show turned into a book promotion for Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury.” UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was on ABC’s This Week with the unindicted George Stephanopoulos. Iran was literally not mentioned but Trump’s psyche was.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Of course, you know, a lot of these questions of tweets reinforced by this book that came out this week, the Michael Wolff book. When you’ve — in your dealings with the president, he says 100 percent of the people around the president are concerned about his fitness. Have you seen any behavior that concerns you?
HALEY: You know, the one thing about this book, having been a governor and now an ambassador, I’m always amazed at the lengths people will go to to lie for money and for power. It’s really — this is like taking it to a whole new low.
I will tell you, I have not read the book, I won’t read it, but the excerpts that I have seen and the things that I have seen in the press, I know those people in the White House. I’m there once a week. These people love their country and respect our president. I have never seen or heard the type of toxic language that they’re talking about.
Now, I’m not there seven days a week, but I’m there once a week, and I’m there for a day with White House meetings and everything, no one questions the stability of the president.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Except that Michael Wolff says he had 200 interviews. He says he has interviews on tape. We know he spent a lot of time in the White House over the course of the first several months, and a lot of the most damning anecdotes have not been denied by those involved.
HALEY: You know, I can’t vouch for anything like that. I don’t know if it was 200 interviews with Steve Bannon, or if it was 200 interviews with himself, but I can tell you, I know these people. I work with these people. I work with the president and speak with him multiple times a week, this is a man, he didn’t become the president by accident. And as much as everyone wants to talk about stability, was he unstable when he passed the tax reform? Was he unstable when we finally hit back at Syria and said no more chemical weapons? Was he unstable when we finally put North Korea on notice? Was he unstable when he said, wait, we need to look at Iran because this is getting to be a dangerous situation? Was he unstable with the jobs or the economy or the stock market?
We need to be realistic at the fact that every person, regardless of race, religion, or party, who loves the country, should support this president. It’s that important.
Haley, if you recall, was subjected to all manner of scurrilous rumors when she ran for South Carolina governor and so probably has a bit more empathy for Trump than the average person. I know she’s going to be dismissed as a Trumpkin for this interview…by the same people who have been lionizing her role in the United Nations…but she and Pompeo are correct about this book and what it signifies.
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