
NY Times ‘Papadopoulos Bombshell’ Continues to Unravel=> James Clapper Admits Papadopoulos Was Never on His Radar (VIDEO)

- Januari 04, 2018

Fake News New York Times is doing everything they can to steer the public away from Hillary Clinton’s multi-million dollar garbage dossier the Deep State used in order to spy on Trump’s campaign.

The fake dossier ultimately sparked the ‘Russian collusion’ witch hunt, but the NY Times is now claiming Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos got a little too drunk one night in a London pub and bragged to an Australian diplomat the Russians had ‘political dirt’ on Hillary.

A couple of drunk lads talking shop is what set in motion the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation. Right.

James Clapper, the former head of the U.S. Intelligence community under Obama said in a Tuesday interview with CNN that George Papadopoulos was not on his “radar scope” when he left. Interesting.

On Saturday The New York Times implied Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos set in motion the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation, not the Hillary-funded dossier.

The New York Times got DESTROYED within hours of publication…

James Clapper then hit the NY Times fake news article with a devastating blow. He’s never even heard of Papadopoulos…

“There were other factors that I think were the stimulus for the investigation and the revelation about George Papadopoulos, which was not a name on my radar scope when I left…I think also was another factor,” Clapper said.

Clapper, just like every leftist blowhard claimed parts of the dossier have been corroborated. When pressed for specifics, he only cited two claims, both of which have nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Vladimir Putin’s “animus” towards Hillary Clinton “and the determination of clearly favoring…Trump to win the presidency,” were the two dossier allegations that Clapper says have been corroborated, Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reported.

Video via Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller:

Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal said it perfectly, “Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (in a Tuesday CNN interview): George Papadopoulos “was not a name on my radar scope when i left.” So head of intelligence had never heard of the dude that the NYT now claims launched the entire Trump-Russia probe?”

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