
Outraged CNN Expert: “I’m a Proud Sh*tholer!” (VIDEO)

- Januari 13, 2018

It’s settled.
CNN terror expert comes out as proud sh*tholer.

Thanks for sharing.

On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations.

It was a good question.

But the Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe such poor and corrupt failed states.

CNN’s terror expert delivered the most startling response to the president’s remarks telling the Situation Room panel, “I’m a Proud Sh*tholer!”

It was the most honest CNN segment in years.

Thanks for that, Phil.
Does anyone have anything they’d like to add?

The post Outraged CNN Expert: “I’m a Proud Sh*tholer!” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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