
POTUS TRUMP ROCKS TWITTER! 4.5 Million State of the Union Tweets During Speech Smashes Record

- Januari 31, 2018

President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night smashed the record for Twitter activity with 4.5 million tweets by users about the speech, according to Twitter.

Also of note, the White House live feed of the address on Twitter garnered over two million views.

The Twitter Government account posted the stunning numbers, which bested the previous record of 3 million set by Trump’s 2017 Joint Session of Congress address on February 28, 2017, “With 4.5M Tweets, @POTUS’ speech tonight was the most Tweeted #SOTU or #JointSession address, surpassing the previous record of 3M.”

2017 record breaking tweet:

Tweet of White House live feed of the address with view counter at the bottom of screen showing 2 million views as of publication of this report:

President Trump’s speech lasted about one hour and twenty minutes, making it the longest State of the Union address since former President Bill Clinton in 2000 and 1995, according to CNN.

Former President Barack Obama’s best was 2.6 million tweets for his January 20, 2015 State of the Union address, according to Twitter.

The post POTUS TRUMP ROCKS TWITTER! 4.5 Million State of the Union Tweets During Speech Smashes Record appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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