
Predictable: #NeverTrump Skunks Cheer After President Trump Attacks Steve Bannon

- Januari 04, 2018

The rift between President Trump and his former chief strategist Steve Bannon escalated today after the former White House strategist Steve Bannon claimed that Donald Trump Jr. will “crack […] like an egg” under pressure from the erroneous Russia investigations. Continuing, Bannon went as far as to call Trump Jr’s agreement to meet with a Russian attorney “treasonous”.

President Trump then punched back twice as hard at Steve Bannon with a scathing statement saying, “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”

The controversy certainly puts a strain on the conservative movement in America. But that didn’t stop #NeverTrump bums from cheering the attacks on Steve Bannon.
Breitbart reported:

White knight Ben Shapiro:

It’s not clear what these #NeverTrumpers stand for at this point.
But they sure do hate this president and anyone who helped him win his election.

The post Predictable: #NeverTrump Skunks Cheer After President Trump Attacks Steve Bannon appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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