
President Trump To World Economic Forum: “America is open for business.”

- Januari 27, 2018

In front of a large audience of the world’s foremost political and business leaders, President Trump set forth his “America First” policy. With a booming economy, and businesses reallocating their resources to America, Trump declared “America is open for business!”

President Trump continued his pledge to make America once again the center of the world’s industry, a position that was largely lost during the Clinton years. The president vowed to once again thrust the US forward by lifting the regulations that set the country back in competition; through lifting stifling regulations on American businesses and opening “fair” trade the U.S. economy is expected to continue its incredible growth.

“Now is the best time to bring your money, your jobs, your businesses to America,” he said, mentioning both the cut back on regulations and highly successful tax cuts. “The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America.”

With the US’ continued openness to business, enterprise, and trade, the president also warned that he will no longer allow the “unfair” deals that have held the US economy back for the benefit of other countries. As part of President Trump’s robust “America First” policy, he will make sure that America does, indeed, come first.

Via Reuters:

“We will enforce our trade laws and restore integrity to the trading system. Only by insisting on fair and reciprocal trade can we create a system that works not just for the United States but for all nations,” Trump said.

“The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to unfair trade practices,” he said. “We cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others.”

His speech was mostly met by polite applause, although he drew some jeers and whistles during a question and answer session, when he attacked the news media: “It wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious and how fake the press can be,” he said.

While he has a record of opposing trade agreements involving multiple countries, he said the United States would seek bilateral deals with individual states. That could include members of a Trans-Pacific trade agreement from which he has withdrawn, he said, adding he would consider negotiating with them collectively if it was in the U.S. interest.

The post President Trump To World Economic Forum: “America is open for business.” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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