
Rep. Jim Jordan Reveals Context To “Shocking” FISA Memo Proving Corruption At “Highest Levels” of FBI & DOJ (VIDEO)

- Januari 21, 2018

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)  joined Fox News‘ Martha MacCallum Friday night to discuss the “shocking,” FISA memo, revealing the report details what happened at the “highest levels,” of the FBI and Justice Department. In addition, the Freedom Caucus member provided important context to the memo.

Credit: Fox News

Below is a partial transcript of MacCallum’s interview with Jordan:

MacCallum: “I know that you are, you’re all not talking about the classified information in this four page document put together by Devin Nunes, basically collates all of their investigation that he wanted all of you to see. You’ve read it. Do you believe that there is a crime in there committed by the DOJ and FBI or members of those entities?”

Jordan: “Look, what I believe is what my colleagues have said, what I’ve said is the American people need to see this. We want the journalists in this great country to see this. Mostly, we want the American people to understand what the FBI did, how wrong it was, and again, we’re not allowed to talk about it. The last point Ed [Henry] made was right on target. The committee could meet today, could meet tomorrow — if the majority of the committee votes to release this — it goes to the White House, the White House could say ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’. My guess is they’re going to say ‘thumbs up’ and then it’s out there and the American people can see what took place at the highest levels of our FBI, at the highest levels of the Justice Department that should not happen in this great nation.” […]

MacCallum: “This has been compared to Watergate, which was a scandal, an election scandal of digging into another campaign, okay? Now if this is worse than that, which is what Matt Gaetz of Florida has called it, it would draw a picture of an Obama administration attempt to derail the Trump campaign. Is that what’s in these four pages?”

Jordan: “Again, I can’t talk about the specifics, that’s why we’re pushing so hard make it public so we can talk about the specifics. But think about what we knew a long time ago. The Clinton campaign paid for the dossier. Think about those text messages from Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, where they talk about — remember the text messages where they talk about ‘walking through Wal-Mart, I can smell the Trump supporters’ — the derision they have for the people who supported the President. The anti-Trump bias, the pro-Clinton bias and then think about the text messages that talks about an insurance policy to make sure Donald Trump is not elected by the American people.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Fox News published a portion of the approximately 10,000 texts messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page. Among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and Page discussed an ‘insurance policy,’ against a Trump presidency.

Daily Caller reported:

Two FBI officials who worked on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation exchanged text messages last year in which they appear to have discussed ways to prevent Donald Trump from being elected president.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

While Strzok and Page’s text message exchange is explosive on its own, the idea that McCabe may have been involved in this conservation is nothing short of stunning. Do you think the Deputy FBI Director would allow two employees in his office unsupervised?


The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.

Republican lawmakers have begun lobbying Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes to release the memo.

“Earlier this morning, I examined the classified, four-page memo from @HouseIntelComm regarding the FBI, DOJ, and the so-called . To put it simply, “WOW.” I joined the call to . Americans deserve truth and transparency,” tweeted Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA).

The letter was signed by Steve King, Matt Gaetz, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Scott Perry, Ted Yoho, Jody Hice, Louie Gohmert, Barry Loudermilk and Brian Babin, reports Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit.

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