
Rumor Mill: Will This Former Trump Administration Official Be Coming Back?

- Januari 02, 2018

Yes, because this is exactly what should happen for the White House and the Trump administration to kick off 2018 right.

To be clear, it’s probably not happening, but rather, just another product cranked out by the rumor mill. It’s origins may be based in the increased media presence of Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House communications director.

According to a report from the Daily Beast, the Mooch is telling people that President Trump and his family want to bring him back into the fold.

Because those 10 days he served in the summer of 2017 were so priceless.

So is it happening, or not?

The news organization said, however,  that other sources inside and outside of the White House did not believe Scaramucci’s claims.

One of those sources told The Daily Beast that it would “amaze” them if Scaramucci came back and noted Scaramucci himself called the claims “nonsense.”

“[T]his is absolute nonsense,” he told the news organization. “Happy new year [and] be well. I have said nothing like that at all…Don’t believe BS.”

Maybe it is nonsense.

Still, Scaramucci has maintained a constant presence on social media and in interview appearances, speaking as an advocate for President Trump and the administration.

Scaramucci told the CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that the president would be willing to work with Democrats on issues like health care and immigration, and said the president view on climate change could surprise some people.

According to the Mooch, Trump is no “climate denier.” He simply has a problem with the Paris Climate agreement, and its impact on the U.S.

Bringing Scaramucci back to work in the administration would be an interesting move. His ouster was because of a loose-lipped, profane interview with the New Yorker, where he hit then-White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and then-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. The only purpose I can see behind bringing him back would be as a reward for his loyal stumping for the administration since his departure.

Apparently, he was no fan of either of his colleagues, and while both outlasted his very short stay, their ouster wasn’t far behind his.

Priebus was soon replaced with John Kelly. Kelly quickly exiled Bannon back to the seether pits of Breitbart.

Scaramucci’s initial entrance into the White House resulted in White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to exit. Let’s see who bails at this latest threat of incoming Mooch.


The post Rumor Mill: Will This Former Trump Administration Official Be Coming Back? appeared first on RedState.


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