
SARA CARTER: Fusion GPS *Still* Taking Money From Secret Donors For Trump-Russia Witch Hunt

- Januari 17, 2018

Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the discredited Steele dossier, is still investigating alleged ties between President Trump and Russia, reports Fox News contributor Sara A. Carter. 

Sara Carter reports:

What’s not known is who is paying for the continuing research? Fusion GPS officials could not be reached immediately for comment. […]

Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Florida Republican and Chairman of the National Security Subcommittee, sent a letter last week to House Speaker Paul Ryan, asking him to direct Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes , R-CA to declassify documents given to the committee related to the dossier. […]

DeSantis told this reporter that releasing the information on the dossier and the classified FISA applications is the first step in getting the truth to the public.

“Congress needs to determine the role played by Fusion GPS in the Russia matter and that includes any current Fusion activity,” said DeSantis.

Congressional investigators probing the origins of the Steele dossier have set their sights on a brand new target — The Obama State Department.

Were Obama State Department officials responsible for spreading discredited tidbits compiled in the dossier through the media? Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes may soon find out.
Byron York of the Washington Examiner reports the Obama State Department is now being probed as to whether or not they had a hand in the dossier. York notes Steele was viewed inside the Obama State Department as a valuable source for intelligence on all things Russia. Obama State officials made a habit of disseminating reports the former British spy authored for private clients around the Department.

Last week, Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s explosive testimony was released by ranking Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). The lawmaker claimed she was ‘pressured’ to release the transcript. Feinstein said a ‘bad cold’ led to her decision to unilaterally release the transcript. However, it was Fusion GPS’s lawyers that demanded the documents be released, reports the Daily Caller.

The post SARA CARTER: Fusion GPS *Still* Taking Money From Secret Donors For Trump-Russia Witch Hunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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