
Trump Attorney Reveals Stunning Timeline of What Strzok and Page Discussed in ‘Missing’ FBI Text Messages (VIDEO)

- Januari 23, 2018

An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow revealed the stunning timeline of what was discussed between Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress Bureau lawyer Lisa Page in the ‘missing’ text messages.

On Monday, Jay Sekulow broke down the timeline of ‘missing’ text messages which begins on December 14, 2016 and goes through May 17, 2017 which is the same day Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel.

According to the Associated Press, additional text messages sent and received by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok have been handed over to Congress.

The FBI ‘failed to preserve‘ five months of text messages between Trump hating FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page, blaming a ‘technical glitch’.

Sekulow is furious over this stunning development and gave a play-by-play of the chain of events that took place during that time period on his radio show Jay Live.

“Guess what is missing?! That is the key here…guess what’s missing?” Sekulow began.

“From December 14th 2016 to May 17th of 2017–here’s what was going on. You had the Flynn conversation with the senior transition officials as been reported in the press so their conversations about that–missing.”

“Buzzfeed publishes the Steele dossier January 11th 2017–text messages between the two are missing,” Sekulow said.

“Peter Strzok interviews Michael Flynn on January 24th 2017, the text messages between them are missing.”

“Comey is fired by the president of the United States May 9th 2017, their text messages are missing,” Sekulow continued.

“Robert Mueller Special Counsel appointed May 17 2017-text messages missing based on a glitch.”

Jay Sekulow said what the FBI has done can be considered ‘willful destruction of evidence’.


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