Former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes’ Trump Derangement Syndrome flared up on Friday, firing off a bizarre tweet about President Trump’s decision to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
“I remember when we had a President who cared about working people and wasn’t an out of touch rich guy who travelled to Davos to seek the acceptance of a bunch of global elites,” tweeted Rhodes.
I remember when we had a President who cared about working people and wasn't an out of touch rich guy who travelled to Davos to seek the acceptance of a bunch of global elites.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) January 26, 2018
The Daily Wire’s Editor-in Chief Ben Shapiro kicked off the savaging, asking the former Obama official if he was an “insane person?”
Are you an insane person?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 26, 2018
Independent journalist and author Jack Posobiec tweeted this zinger.
“I remember when we had a president that traveled to Cuba to kiss the ass of those pieces of shit Castro brothers who plundered the wealth, murdered people, locked up people, repressed and depressed the people with its military and destroyed a country and its people,” chimed in Fox News Business contributor Gary Kaltbaum.
I remember when we had a president that traveled to Cuba to kiss the ass of those pieces of shit Castro brothers who plundered the wealth, murdered people, locked up people, repressed and depressed the people with its military and destroyed a country and its people.
— Gary Kaltbaum (@GaryKaltbaum) January 26, 2018
Resurgent writer Jesse Kelly tweeted a photo of the Obama snapping pictures on a mega-yacht.
— Doctor Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) January 26, 2018
“Name just ONE person involved in nurturing and raising øbama to adulthood who loved America. Just ONE. We’re waiting,” asked radio host Neal Boortz.
Name just ONE person involved in nurturing and raising øbama to adulthood who loved America. Just ONE. We're waiting.
— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) January 26, 2018
BroBible’s Paul Sacca tweeted at Rhodes a picture of Obama and billionaire Richard Branson “play fighting,” as they hit the high seas.
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) January 26, 2018
“You mean like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden and the others who went to Davos? You really outdo yourself with hypocrisy & distortion this time, Benny,” tweeted Ray Zacek.
You mean like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden and the others who went to Davos? You really outdo yourself with hypocrisy & distortion this time, Benny.
— Ray Zacek (@Zhombre) January 26, 2018
Below are more truth hammer dropped on Rhodes.
No, just “out of touch” enough to mingle and photo op with communists and former assassins…
— SilverPatriot (@SilverPatriot1) January 26, 2018
— The Bear-Jew (@pill_of) January 26, 2018
Dude, we talked about this. Put the Tide Pods down. Just stop.
— Nick Brodie (@NicholasBrodie) January 26, 2018
*I remember when we had a president who travelled to Havana to seek the acceptance of a bunch of commnuist thugs
— Kevin Hernandez (@KHernandez_DC) January 26, 2018
— Mack N Meyer (@RightisRight18) January 26, 2018
You have completely lost it man, have you not witnessed the economic revitalization of America since the tax bill passed. He is in Davos to make sure it continues to flourish, for all Americans to prosper
— Preston White (@PrestonWhite12) January 26, 2018
I believe his meeting with the heads of global corporations brought promises of $$ and jobs to the US. You seem sad and jealous thst Obama didn't know how to bring business in, just how to lose business and give money to countries that hate us. Take some meds, you'll feel better.
— Kitty D (@ConservativeGM) January 26, 2018
— Alokla (@Alokla) January 26, 2018
What crack are you smoking?Your messiah did NOTHING for me. Im still broke, still extreme long term unemployed.
(Yea I have internet access bc I have family that cares, otherwise Id literally be on the street right now)
— SavingtheRepubliccom (@BMartin1776) January 26, 2018
You mean like Obomrat and the Billionaire CRIMINAL SOROS
— The E Man (@DETECTIVE4LIFE) January 26, 2018
You F*cking jackass 🤣🤣
— JC (@EternalQuest27) January 26, 2018
YOU, dear sir, have slipped into another dimension. Wasn't Obama who was a Global Elitist (and Apologist)? Coffee calling the kettle black I think… @benshapiro #tcot #MAGA #Trump45
— Merricourt (@MerricourtL) January 26, 2018
‘cuz puppet Obama would Neeever hang w/Global elites.. fly around in their sexually pure Airline.. to their private island #ReleaseTheMemo
— Dylan Converse 🌐 (@CDB_DBZB) January 26, 2018
You’re racist boss’s admin tried to destroy the company I worked for along with the wonderful man who owned it..all for notches on belts & big govt bonuses. Forgive me if I call bullsh!t on that. #ReleaseTheMemo #draintheswamp
— 🏖Beachbum🌴 (@Coffeytweet) January 26, 2018
Hey Dopey @brhodes ….. He went there to deliver a Message
He may be Elite, but he's not a Globalist Pig#MAGA#TheStormIsHere#QAnon#POTUS#RealDonaldTrump#InternetBillOfRights@georgesoros@sorosforprison#SorosForPrison#ReleaseTheMemo
— boomerkel (@boomerkel) January 26, 2018
Go sell your Communist Marxism somewhere else. The jobs that will come out of his visit will help those working people that you & the Democrats hate!
— Teresa Linberg (@TeresaLinberg) January 26, 2018
Not only was President Trump correct in attending the World Economic Forum to promote U.S. commerce, but the global elite welcomes him with open arms. As The Gateway Pundit‘s Jim Hoft reported, Trump was given a hero’s welcome upon arriving in Davos.
Trump met Thursday with global leaders Theresa May from Great Britain and Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel.
Trump later sat down with global business leaders for a dinner. As he went around the table the table and each and every leader praised the president for the stunning success of the Trump tax cuts and reform.
The guest list included:
Kasper Rorsted, Adidas (Apparel)—Germany
Joe Kaeser, Siemens AG (Tech)—Germany
Heinrich Hiesinger, Thyssenkrupp AG (Industrials)—Germany
Eldar Saetre, Statoil ASA (Energy)—Norway
Mark Schneider, Nestle SA (Food and Beverage)—Switzerland
Vas Narasimhan, Novartis AG (Pharmaceutical)—Switzerland
Mark Tucker, HSBC (Financial Services)—UK
Patrick Pouyanne, Total SA (Energy)—France
Carlos Brito, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV (Food and Beverage)—Netherlands
Rajeev Suri, Nokia Corporation (Technology)—Finland
Punit Renjen, Deloitte (Consulting)—UK
Martin Lundstedt, AB Volvo (Auto)—Sweden
Werner Baumann, Bayer AG (Pharmaceutical)—Germany
Bill McDermott, SAP SE (Technology)—Germany
Ulrich Spiesshofer, ABB Ltd (Manufacturing)—Switzerland
This was an amazing display of business support for the US president.
Each leader cheered Trump and the passage of the GOP’s historic tax plan .
The post “What Crack Are You Smoking?”: Ben Rhodes Savaged After Bizarre Tweet About POTUS Trump’s Davos Trip appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.