
WOW! IG Horowitz Probing Reports McCabe Demanded FBI Agents Change Interview Summaries, Could Be FIRED in “NEXT FEW DAYS”

- Januari 31, 2018

Reporter Sara A. Carter told Fox News host Sean Hannity Monday evening that Michael Horowtiz, Justice Department Inspector General, is investigating whether or not outgoing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe asked bureau agents to “change their 302s.” 

PJ Media reports:

“I have been told tonight by a number of sources … that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to actually change their 302s,” Carter told host Sean Hannity.

The 302 form contains information from the notes an FBI agent takes during an interview of a subject. It is used by FBI agents to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct.”

“So basically every time an FBI agent interviews a witness, they have to go back and file a report,” Carter explained.

Hannity pointed out that, if true, it would constitute a case of obstruction of justice, and Carter agreed. She said the matter was being investigated by FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

“If this is true — and not just alleged — if this is true, McCabe will be fired,” Carter said. “They are considering firing him in the next few days. If this turns out to be true,” she added.

A day after the New York Times reported FBI Director Christopher Wray confronted outgoing Deputy Director Andrew McCabe over unspecified findings in DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, the Washington Post reveals the embattled bureau official is being probed over his role in examining emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

Washington Post reports:

The inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, has been asking witnesses why FBI leadership seemed unwilling to move forward on the examination of emails found on the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)until late October — about three weeks after first being alerted to the issue, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter. A key question of the internal investigation is whether McCabe or anyone else at the FBI wanted to avoid taking action on the laptop findings until after the Nov. 8 election, these people said. It is unclear whether the inspector general has reached any conclusions on that point.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepped down Monday, as first reported by NBC News. 

McCabe, who served a brief stint as acting director of the bureau, was already expected to leave. He will stay on “terminal leave” until he is eligible to retire with benefits in March,” reports CNBC.

McCabe’s announcement came one day after his boss read the FISA abuse memo. While experts believe McCabe being implicated in the four-page document led to his departure, the New York Times says it was another report that caught Wray’s attention.

Wray’s deep concern over a report that has yet to be released yet is noteworthy, and while the New York Times‘ doesn’t infer it, it was to be expected McCabe would likely quit instead of being demoted. In other words, the demotion was the firing, except it was McCabe’s decision to fall on his own sword. Such is a common courtesy extended to anyone who has served in an organization for a long time.

It’s currently unknown when the Inspector General’s report will be released.

The post WOW! IG Horowitz Probing Reports McCabe Demanded FBI Agents Change Interview Summaries, Could Be FIRED in “NEXT FEW DAYS” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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