
AG SESSIONS: DOJ Will Open Official Investigation Into Obama’s FISA Abuse

- Februari 28, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told reporters on Tuesday the Department of Justice will open an investigation into FISA abuses after Obama’s FBI, DOJ used Hillary’s phony dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s camp during the 2016 election.

Sessions said Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be taking on the investigation.

Via The Washington Examiner:

“Yes, it will be investigated,” Sessions told reporters at the court that oversees FISA warrants.

Sessions said an investigation it is the “appropriate thing” to do so, and that his department’s inspector general “will take that as one of the matters he’ll deal with.”Sessions told Fox News on Sunday the FISA process will be investigated, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday that this move will be supported.

“I think that’s the role of the Department of Justice, and we’re glad that they’re fulfilling that job,” she said.

On February 2nd, the House Intel Committee led by Chairman Nunes released their classified FISA memo.

The 4-page FISA memo revealed the phony dossier formed an essential part to obtaining the original FISA warrant and the three subsequent renewals.

We also found out the political origins of the dossier were known to the FBI and DOJ yet kept from the FISA court.

Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe also testified that if not for the dossier, the FBI would never have sought the FISA warrant on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff has been in panic mode since Chairman Nunes discovered the FISA abuses and unmasking scandal.

On Saturday, Schiff released his Dem spin memo only to have Chairman Nunes crush him with a point by point refutation.

The investigation into the FISA abuses better not be a sham like the FBI’s pathetic investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server.

The post AG SESSIONS: DOJ Will Open Official Investigation Into Obama’s FISA Abuse appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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